Apartment Green Palace Kalibata (Roberto : 0817 700 401)
Cari Gedung Kantor/ Office Building
Location : Jl. Raya Kalibata No. 1, Rawajati, Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan (12750)
Base Rent : -
Service Charge : -
VAT : 10%


Apartment Green Palace Kalibata terletak didalam kompleks apartement Kalibata City di Jl. Raya Kalibata No. 1, Rawajati, Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan yang dapat diakses baik dari arah Pasar Minggu, Cililitan, Cawang dan demikian juga sebaliknya. Di sekitar apartemen Kalibata City terdapat fasilitas umum seperti stasiun kereta api Duren Kalibata, mini market, Kalibata City Square, Rumah Sakit UKI, kampus, pasar tradisional dan berbagai fasilitas lainnya. Sedangkan fasilitas didalam kompleks Kalibata City seperti taman bermain anak, lapangan tenis, basket, futsal, tempat ibadah, area parkir, ATM Center dan berbagai fasilitas lainnya. Khusus Apartment Green Palace Kalibata disediakan fasilitas gym dan kolam renang karena dijual dengan harga komersial dan bukan harga sudsidi. Tersedia luasan 30 m2 : 2 kamar tidur, 1 kamar mandi, 2 unit AC, kondisi tidak ada perabot, tower Lotus, lantai 7, sertifikat SHM dan ditawarkan untuk dijual seharga Rp. 495.000.000,- (Empat Ratus Sembilan Puluh Lima Juta Rupiah) dengan harga sudah termasuk biaya Notaris tetapi belum termasuk pajak pembeli dan BBN. Gambar gallery merupakan gambar image dari beberapa sumber di internet. Apabila Anda membutuhkan informasi tambahan dan melakukan survey ruangan, Anda dapat menghubungi Roberto (0817 700 401). (English) Apartment Green Palace Kalibata is located within the Kalibata City apartment complex on Jl. Raya Kalibata No. 1, Rawajati, Pancoran, South Jakarta which can be accessed from either Pasar Minggu, Cililitan, Cawang and vice versa. Around the Kalibata City apartment there are public facilities such as the Duren Kalibata train station, mini market, Kalibata City Square, UKI Hospital, campuses, traditional markets and various other facilities. Meanwhile, the facilities inside the Kalibata City complex such as children's playgrounds, tennis courts, basketball, futsal, places of worship, parking areas, ATM centers and various other facilities. Especially for the Green Palace Kalibata Apartment, gym and swimming pool facilities are provided because they are sold at commercial prices and not subsidi prices. There is available area of 30 m2 : 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 2 AC units, no furniture, Lotus tower, 7th floor, SHM certificate and is offered for sale for Rp. 495,000,000, - (Four Hundred and Ninety Five Million Rupiah) with the price including notary fees but not including buyer tax and BBN. Image gallery is a picture image from several sources on the internet. If you need additional information and want to site visit, you can contact Roberto (0817 700 401).


Office Hour

Monday - Friday : -
Saturday : -

Availbility Area

Area : 30 m2
Floor : 7th Floor
Condition : Unfurnished